Sunday, August 12, 2012

OnPointCelebz Interviews LISSEN

I interviewed the group listen while on my vacation in Atlanta. I first heard the group when I went to a spoken word spot. When they got of stage and started to sing the girl were going wild. I can see why because their vocals were OnPoint! They were so into their performance they didn't want to get off the stage. The actions of true artist...Love it! After they got of stage they started selling their mixtape, "Beta Bring Your Towel". My Uncle; who was with me, bought their CD without hesitation then handed it to me. I hadn't asked for the CD but I was curious to hear their music. The next morning I popped in the mixtape and began listening, Every song was good. So I took it upon myself to get in contact with the talented group. After speaking with their Manager Victor, we set up an interview for a few days later.
We did the interview at my house. Once the guys arrived they were very polite and introduced themselves. I see these guys going really far and I wish them all the success in the world.

Lissen music video "Smell So Good"

Saturday, August 11, 2012

OnPointCelebz Interviews Mimi Faust

I interviewed the reality star Mimi Faust from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta on August 7, 2012 about the show and herself. Mimi is all I thought she would be; she is smart, funny, and a sweetheart. She was really into the interview, answering every question with a lengthy response. She also gives back in the community to help our youth, which was the icing on the cake...OnPoint! She was amazing with an amazing attitude throughout the entire interview. I hope to do another interview very soon with Mimi Faust in the near future and hopefully this time it’s a visual interview. *wink wink*

OPC: What does Mimi do outside of ‘Love and Hip Hop Atlanta?

M: I own a cleaning service, I do residential and commercial properties. I don’t only clean I do organizing such as closets and children’s rooms, whatever the case may be. I’ve had my business for eleven years.

OPC: Wow! That’s a long time (Laughing). How did you start the cleaning service?

M: I've always just enjoyed cleaning, but it’s a funny story how it got started. I was at a party and the party was over. We were just standing around in the kitchen talking and it was driving me insane. I just found myself straitening up this man’s kitchen. In like twenty minutes I had the whole kitchen spotless. The home owner came down and said, “Oh my god, who cleaned the kitchen?” and everyone pointed like she did. (Laughing) He said, “Do you want to come back tomorrow and do the rest of the house?” and I said, “Sure, are you going to pay me?” That’s how I got started he referred me to someone and it just took off from there. A friend of mind just said, “Why don’t you make this a business? You’re doing it. You’re getting paid to do it. Make it official”. That’s actual how I got started.

OPC: Did you ever think you would ever be on television?

M: Never! (Took a pause then Laughed) No! This is so bizarre to watch myself on it. Like yesterday I was like this is crazy.

OPC: How does it feel displaying your life on national television?

M: It’s not so great. (Laughing) Not so great at all. I had no idea it was going to be all of this when I initially signed u to do the show. I thought it was just going to be Stevie and I. I had no idea there was going to be a third party in the mix. (Laughing)

OPC: Do you communicate with anyone from the show?

M: Yes I do.

OPC: What is your opinion on Joseline as a person?

M: (Laughs) If you don’t have anything nice to say you don’t say it.

OPC: Everyone in Twitter land and Facebook that watch the show feel that you are too intelligent for Stevie J, What’s your opinion and do you agree or disagree?
M: The craziest thing is everyone is seeing a small tiny piece of the picture of what’s really going on. So I can understand why they would make these comments. Everyone’s going to have their opinions. That’s fine; I can’t get mad and wanted to lash out at everyone who said something crazy I’d pull my hair out. I really just can’t be worried about everyone and their opinion about what’s going on, their only seeing a glimpse of what’s really happening. 

OPC: Could you ever forgive Stevie J and get back together?

M: I can forgive Stevie but I would never ever forget.

OPC: Have you or will you be giving back to the community to help the youth in anyway?
M: Of course, I actually started with K. Michelle with Saving Our Daughters. It’s a youth program to help teen pregnancy and women that have been in that situation. We go in and talk with them about our situation basically letting young girls know they don’t have to make the same mistakes we’ve made. Watch us and watch from our mistakes and try to do better. That’s how people learn you learn from your mistakes.

OPC: Tell me something about Mimi that the world doesn’t know?

M: Something about Mimi that the world doesn’t know (Thinking) I don’t know. I pretty much put everything out there on the line. I’m very genuine, I’m very loyal, (giggles) I’m very forgiving. I’m all these things that you guys see. That’s really who I am. It isn’t for the show or a front. This is just me. I like to cook. I like to dance.

OPC: What is your favorite thing to cook?

M: Lasagna

OPC: Seeing the whole situation with your mother you said you couldn’t live with yourself if you didn’t forgive. Seeing that situation and knowing that a lot of girls probably have that same situation. What advice would you give them telling them how to forgive a person? Most people can’t forgive and can’t find it in their heart to forgive.

M: The one thing I can say is, if you do forgive it keeps so much off of you. You’re not carrying around this anger and this bitterness. If you find it somewhere in there it will lighten your will just lighten you up its all across the board. Even if something bad happens and you find it hard try to forgive something bad that was real small, take baby steps. Forgive small things at a time and then you can graduate and move up to the bigger things. It is so much off of you and just lightens your load. Just try to do it.

OPC: What do you want your legacy to be?

M: First and foremost I’m a good person.  I’m a great mother. I’m going to teach my daughter to be a great person and not go through and make the same mistakes I have made. I didn’t have my mother to teach me right and wrong when I was growing up. I think that’s where I made a lot of mistakes in my life because I had to figure everything out and then if it was wrong it was like okay that’s not cool do something different now. I never had that parental guidance ad because of it I’m the person I am today and I’m a pretty good person. Had I had that parental guidance it would have been a lot easier and I just want that for her. To just teach her the right way to do things to be respectful, have morals, have values and value herself, To have self-worth, self-respect, all of that. I’m going to in steal that in her. So that way when she has children she will do the same. It’s all about doing better and I definitely want that for her.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

OnPointCelebz Interviews RaSheeda

I loved interviewing Rasheeda. She is too sweet...OnPointCeleb! 
OPC: What made you decide to pursue a career in the music industry?

R: As a young girl I just loved music. I loved the stories. I love how they made you feel [at] certain times in your life. Being little and watching my mom turning music on and dance [going] from one move to another, I was like “I want to make people feel like that”. 

OPC: Who influenced your decision to be a rapper?

R: It was just hip hop period. The whole look of it, the swag and the look it was just so dope and cool like in the old school before anything was watered down. It was just real stories talking about what’s going on in their hoods and making people dance and feel good. I was just like you know what that’s exactly what I want to do and what better way to do it than through rapping, rhyming, putting together a mixtape. 

OPC: What are the qualities one must have to be a real MC? 

R: Just that confidence…must have a certain amount of swag not trying too hard. Being comfortable with oneself and being original. That’s like the main [Key]. 

 OPC: How did the group Da Kaperz come about? How long was the group together? And do you still communicate with the other members?

R: I just apart of [Da Kaperz] for about five years and I do still communicate with the Keya. I haven’t seen Kiki in a while, but when we see each other we say ‘wassup’ and catch up. And one of the other young ladies I was just with her about two weeks ago. 

OPC: What did you learn from being in the group?

R: I just learned that you have to kind of evaluate you situation and learn that everyone’s not going to always agree. You got to split you money. (She begins laughing) Those were some of the things; I think the difference with that situation was that we were so young like pre-teen and teenagers. We were trying to grow within ourselves. I really learned a lot more stepping outside the situation but in I just think sometimes like outsiders can cause problems and everybody has to learn to differentiate those types of things. But for the most part that was some of the funniest parts of my career and my life being young and [working with] the girls I was friends with. 

OPC: Are you still apart of the duo Peach Candy with Kandi Burruss? And what’s your personal relationship with Kandi?

R: Me and Kandi still do music. We actually have a record together right now that is on my album called ‘Legs to the Moon’. We haven’t done another Peach Kandi project but we are always working together. So there’s still a little Peach Kandi action going on. (Laughing) [Kandi and I are best friend].

OPC: Explain your growth from when you first started as a young rapper/artist to the woman/entertainer you are now?

R: Girl that’s a lot (Laughing) you know learning from experience and going through different things business wise and personally from being a mother, a wife, an independent artist to was signed to a major and learned a lot from the situation but learned that being independent allows you the flexibility to be you and make decisions and really buckle down on that on business so your able to be successful. You learn so so much. The main thing I learned though was learning to be comfortable with me and doing what I love doing.

OPC: What has been your favorite part of this journey?

R: From then all the way to now it’s performing. I don’t even know [how to describe it, that moment] when you don’t even have to rap your lyrics and everyone’s throwing them back at you. 

 OPC: How did you end up being casted on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta?

R: My name was going around a lot. When it came to the whole love and hip hop thing I sat down with Mona.  People were just like Rasheeda Rasheeda Rasheeda she’s a female rapper, she’s married in a relationship and it just [made sense]. When we got to talking she heard my story and knowing about me in the industry she was kind of like okay lets run it lets go. 

OPC: What was the best part of filming Love and Hip Hop Atlanta?

R: I can’t tell you, you have to stay tuned. But [honestly] what I enjoyed the most is being able to open about my relationship with my husband and us experiencing this together. 

OPC: How did you feel when you won Mix tape female artist in the 2009 and nominated by the BET Awards in 2010 as best female Hip Hop?

R: For me to have them recognize the grind from my ‘bubble gum’ record to everything I been going through proved that it didn’t go unnoticed, and they looked and said this chick deserves this. That was a great experience. 

OPC: You are known as the “Boss Chick”, how did that name come about?

R: You can kind of see it in the show though can’t you? (Laughing) Independent female who has been grinding, hustling, and going hard for top music. Just that woman who is trying to take control of her own goals, dreams, and destiny. Being that independent women, I do have a very strong foundation but at the same time I’m really really focused. I just try to insteal that in other women because we can easily get sidetracked and think we have to compromise. I just really wanted to push that out there. 

OPC: What can your fans look forward to in the upcoming year?

R: Well my album “Boss Chick Music” is available on itunes now. Of course look out for ‘Marry Me’ music video which will be released very soon. We gave you a preview on the show. The ‘Legs to the Moon’ music video which features Kandi will also be released. A lot more music and a lot more Rasheeda on TV. 

OPC: What kind of legacy would you like to leave in the industry?

R: Rasheeda was the girl who made us feel good about ourselves. When I turned her music on I felt confident. I felt like I could concur the world. When I heard that Boss Chick music she made me feel like I was that chick and anything is possible. When they listen to my music, I want them to feel like their friends like home girls [that can relate to one another].

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

OnPointCelebz Interviews Kaleena

Kalenna is a wonderful person I'm happy I got the chance to interview her...OnPointCeleb! :-) 

OPC:  When did you discover that you wanted to pursue a singing career? 
K: I discovered at a very early age.  I sang in church and I would say around age 9 is when I really began to realize my gift.

OPC: I read somewhere that you came to points where you were turned down because of your darker skin complexion. After experiencing something like that what made you still go on and fight for your dream? And what advice can you give to young people dealing with this same problem?
K: I couldn’t base my success on the opinions of others.  I knew what I wanted to do in my heart and that I was born to do this so a few naysayers couldn’t hold me back.

OPC: When and how did the opportunity come across for you to start writing songs for artist like  Christina Milian, Trina, Ciara, etc?  

K: Hard work just paid off in those cases.  Christina Milian’s song Peanut Butter was my first major placement and after that I was on a role and blessed with opportunities to submit songs to other artists.

OPC: How did Diddy Dirty Money come about? 

K: The group was Puff’s brainchild.  He chose me and Dawn to be a part of the group for different reasons.  I started out as a writer for Last Train To Paris.  I guess after he saw my work ethic and dedication to the project prompted him to ask me to be in the group.

OPC: What is the best experience you’ve had so far in your career?

K: My best experience was being able to work with Puff and then being asked to join his group.  The experience changed my life. 

OPC: How long have you been married to Tony Vick? And how did you meet? 

K: We’ve been married 7 years and we met at a music conference.

OPC: What are the two things that will always keep a relationship together?  

K: We have an unbreakable bond built on unconditional love and trust.  We always have each others back, we’re a team.  Our friends call us Ashford and Simpson.  LOL

OPC: Is there something you would like the world to know about you that they don’t know?  

K: I currently have a nonprofit organization called the I Heart Kalenna Foundation and we provide social services and resources for low income families and individuals with lupus.  I also partner with the Lupus Foundation of America to promote awareness through social networks.

OPC: What is something your fans can look forward to in the near future?   

K: More music and more visuals that will exhibit who I am.

OPC: What do you want your legacy to be? 

K: I want my legacy to be about the music and who I am to others.  I want my catalogue to speak for itself as well as my commitment to my community and helping others.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

OnPointCelebz Interviews Jackie Christie

Jackie Christie is a sweetheart I enjoyed communicating with her and I wish her all the best in life. 

OPC: When did you first discover you wanted to be associated with the entertainment industry? What about the industry drew you the most?

JC: From being a model to loving Fashion. I've done a lot of plays growing up, and could always entertain the crowd. I  knew entertainment was in my blood and I would always be involved in it somehow. Now with being on TV so much as well as producing TV shows and Films. I'm enjoying it that much more.

OPC: I read about your signature runway walk that made you popular as a model, Can you explain that to us a little more? 

JC: Yes, I started modeling at a very young age. I was not as tall as most runway models my age but I could walk like no other and still can :-) just put me on the catwalk and its like riding a bike you just never forget! So as i began doing more and more shows. I started getting standing ovations whenever i walked in a show and more and more request to open or close a show. It went on for my entire career in modeling.

OPC: How did you get involved with starting, Jean Rah Fya records your record company?

JC: Our Daughter is a recording artist and she has a passion for music so we decided to open our label with her being one of our first artist we signed, Then we were introduced to Bobby Tinsley our R&B /gospel/Producer/writer artist, through a good friend and we signed him on the spot! and the rest is history!:-) 

OPC: When did you first meet your husband? And did you ever image your life playing out the way it has?
JC: Doug and i met at a place in Seattle in 1991/92 called Jersey's it was a sports bar/restaurant with dancing food and pool tables. It was a meeting through a mutual friend who introduced us, Doug's smile won me over fairly quickly:-) not to mention he smelled so good like vanilla and honey! :-)

OPC: How did it feel to have your production company; Infinite Love, co-produced the reality show about you and your husband’s love for one another called The Christie’s Committed?
JC: WOW we really enjoyed doing "Committed the Christie's" in 2006/07 BETJ when no one from the sports world really was doing that type of show. We wanted to share that part of who we were and our life with the world, there was so much speculation and media around us and our marriage we felt compelled to let the viewers in to see for themselves. We had a ton of great responses and support BET was awesome as well:-)
OPC: What is something you would like people to know about you? And why is this fact important to you? 

JC: I would like people to know that what you see is what you get. With me there is no pretending or hiding behind myself. I believe everyone should live as organically as they can and i really do love people from every walk of life. I do not judge, I wish I could give every human being on earth a big hug sometimes and just make them smile.

OPC: What are two of the most important tips couples should follow to keep their relationship solid? 

JC: Respect, and communication, you have to have both for the relationship to flourish because no one is a mind reader and if your partner doesn't know what you need or what's on your mind they can't fix it or give you what your want and visa versa. With respect that entails always putting your partner and their feeling before yourself and the same goes for them and therefore each of you are happy and fulfilled as well as you know your mate has your back!  
OPC: How do you feel when you begin to write? And how and where do you write?

JC: I feel really at peace with myself and our life. The state of mind I'm in when I begin to write is always very serene in a sense like i feel very in tune with nature and I'm extremely sensitive to everything around me, it's very beautiful really.

OPC: What is your favorite genre of writing? And why?

JC: I love writing relationship books or self help books they are beautiful in the sense that I can really help other people with them. Now I'm getting into writing fiction and non fiction romantic novels and sexy adult books. I grew up reading harlequin romance novels and the like and nothing beats sitting down in front of the fireplace snuggled up warm reading a sexy book!

OPC: When you have free time, what do you like to do?

JC: I love to go to the Zoo. I love watching the animals with a passion and i also love to travel. I really enjoy good food and the occasional glass of a fine wine and cheese along with some grapes some R Kelly or Tyrese Christian Keyes or Joe, to name a few there's so many greats  playing on the radio is good too! and I LOVE to roller skate go to movies snuggle in bed all day... and Take long baths with lavender candles and bubbles...
OPC: Do you have anything in the works that your fans should look out for? 

JC: Yes, My husband Doug and I along with Christian Keyes (actor/writer Recording artist extraordinaire) is producing our new TV show titled CALI BOYS! as well as CALI GIRLS, its a franchise we are extremely honored and excited to bring our vision to Television world wide.

OPC: What advice would you give to anyone who is starting out in the industry?

JC: To be ready to put long hours and hard work into this career also never take no for an answer and sharpen your skills daily. I would tell them you must always stay ready as you never know when your name will be called.

OPC: What do you want your legacy to be?

JC: To first make sure my kids are proud of their mother and my husband proud of his wife. I want the world to be a little bit better because I lived in it and made a difference in whatever way I could. I want everyone to know I was a god fearing Jesus loving women that held her spirituality in the highest regards that I knew and will always know that all glory be to god. Lastly i want my legacy to be for all to know that I lived my life according to my rules here on earth and i never wronged no one intentionally or otherwise and that i forgave my enemies seconds after they wronged me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

OnPointCelebz Interviews J BAR

OPC: What made you want to want to pursue music?

JBAR: I would have to say just the love for music made me pursue music. From listening to my favorite artist like Michael Jackson to OutKast all day everyday, inspired me to want to create my own music, my own sound.

OPC: What does music mean to you?

JBAR: Music a lot to me. It’s my career as well as my hobby. So it’s never a job because it is what I love to do. Music can lift you up music can bring you down. Music is for the soul.

OPC: When you aren’t in the studio what do you like to do?

JBAR: When I’m not in the studio I like to go out to the movies, kick it with my love 1's, and write.

OPC: What is your signature look? Your trademark? Something that sets you off from the crowd.

 JBAR: Hat to the back, shades on, all black everything, iced out w/ the smile lol.

OPC: How are your two clothing lines JBAR and Cupid Clothing doing?

JBAR: My clothing lines are in the process of being brought back so we are getting new designs for today’s fashion. Bring Cupid back 1st.

OPC: Where do you see yourself in the next five years and the next ten years? 

JBAR: In the next 5 years I see myself as a more mature individual, more knowledge, wealth, and bigger family. Musically I see myself growing more with my writing. Prob. have a few awards by then, few platinum plaques ;)

OPC: Who is your celeb crush?

JBAR: Celeb crush.... Kim K. is baddddd!

OPC: Is there anything your fans can expect to see from you in the near future?

JBAR: In the future look out for my debut album! I currently have some situation on the table and TOKE Vol. 2 will be out near the end of February, and NEW music videos on my YouTube channel ( and WSHH!

OPC: What do you think about when writing music? Where does your mind go?

JBAR: When I write I just write whatever the beat tells me too.  Sometimes I write about what’s going on in my life, other times just what a good time would be like.

OPC: What advice do you give to kids that are on their grind trying to make their dream a reality?

JBAR: To anyone pursuing a dream I say go hard for what you want! Don’t give up on the 1st fail. Just keep pushing! T.O.K.E. Take On Knowledge Everyday and you should see results.