Wednesday, March 21, 2012

OnPointCelebz Interviews Jackie Christie

Jackie Christie is a sweetheart I enjoyed communicating with her and I wish her all the best in life. 

OPC: When did you first discover you wanted to be associated with the entertainment industry? What about the industry drew you the most?

JC: From being a model to loving Fashion. I've done a lot of plays growing up, and could always entertain the crowd. I  knew entertainment was in my blood and I would always be involved in it somehow. Now with being on TV so much as well as producing TV shows and Films. I'm enjoying it that much more.

OPC: I read about your signature runway walk that made you popular as a model, Can you explain that to us a little more? 

JC: Yes, I started modeling at a very young age. I was not as tall as most runway models my age but I could walk like no other and still can :-) just put me on the catwalk and its like riding a bike you just never forget! So as i began doing more and more shows. I started getting standing ovations whenever i walked in a show and more and more request to open or close a show. It went on for my entire career in modeling.

OPC: How did you get involved with starting, Jean Rah Fya records your record company?

JC: Our Daughter is a recording artist and she has a passion for music so we decided to open our label with her being one of our first artist we signed, Then we were introduced to Bobby Tinsley our R&B /gospel/Producer/writer artist, through a good friend and we signed him on the spot! and the rest is history!:-) 

OPC: When did you first meet your husband? And did you ever image your life playing out the way it has?
JC: Doug and i met at a place in Seattle in 1991/92 called Jersey's it was a sports bar/restaurant with dancing food and pool tables. It was a meeting through a mutual friend who introduced us, Doug's smile won me over fairly quickly:-) not to mention he smelled so good like vanilla and honey! :-)

OPC: How did it feel to have your production company; Infinite Love, co-produced the reality show about you and your husband’s love for one another called The Christie’s Committed?
JC: WOW we really enjoyed doing "Committed the Christie's" in 2006/07 BETJ when no one from the sports world really was doing that type of show. We wanted to share that part of who we were and our life with the world, there was so much speculation and media around us and our marriage we felt compelled to let the viewers in to see for themselves. We had a ton of great responses and support BET was awesome as well:-)
OPC: What is something you would like people to know about you? And why is this fact important to you? 

JC: I would like people to know that what you see is what you get. With me there is no pretending or hiding behind myself. I believe everyone should live as organically as they can and i really do love people from every walk of life. I do not judge, I wish I could give every human being on earth a big hug sometimes and just make them smile.

OPC: What are two of the most important tips couples should follow to keep their relationship solid? 

JC: Respect, and communication, you have to have both for the relationship to flourish because no one is a mind reader and if your partner doesn't know what you need or what's on your mind they can't fix it or give you what your want and visa versa. With respect that entails always putting your partner and their feeling before yourself and the same goes for them and therefore each of you are happy and fulfilled as well as you know your mate has your back!  
OPC: How do you feel when you begin to write? And how and where do you write?

JC: I feel really at peace with myself and our life. The state of mind I'm in when I begin to write is always very serene in a sense like i feel very in tune with nature and I'm extremely sensitive to everything around me, it's very beautiful really.

OPC: What is your favorite genre of writing? And why?

JC: I love writing relationship books or self help books they are beautiful in the sense that I can really help other people with them. Now I'm getting into writing fiction and non fiction romantic novels and sexy adult books. I grew up reading harlequin romance novels and the like and nothing beats sitting down in front of the fireplace snuggled up warm reading a sexy book!

OPC: When you have free time, what do you like to do?

JC: I love to go to the Zoo. I love watching the animals with a passion and i also love to travel. I really enjoy good food and the occasional glass of a fine wine and cheese along with some grapes some R Kelly or Tyrese Christian Keyes or Joe, to name a few there's so many greats  playing on the radio is good too! and I LOVE to roller skate go to movies snuggle in bed all day... and Take long baths with lavender candles and bubbles...
OPC: Do you have anything in the works that your fans should look out for? 

JC: Yes, My husband Doug and I along with Christian Keyes (actor/writer Recording artist extraordinaire) is producing our new TV show titled CALI BOYS! as well as CALI GIRLS, its a franchise we are extremely honored and excited to bring our vision to Television world wide.

OPC: What advice would you give to anyone who is starting out in the industry?

JC: To be ready to put long hours and hard work into this career also never take no for an answer and sharpen your skills daily. I would tell them you must always stay ready as you never know when your name will be called.

OPC: What do you want your legacy to be?

JC: To first make sure my kids are proud of their mother and my husband proud of his wife. I want the world to be a little bit better because I lived in it and made a difference in whatever way I could. I want everyone to know I was a god fearing Jesus loving women that held her spirituality in the highest regards that I knew and will always know that all glory be to god. Lastly i want my legacy to be for all to know that I lived my life according to my rules here on earth and i never wronged no one intentionally or otherwise and that i forgave my enemies seconds after they wronged me.

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